Iran has built 10 petrochemical plants with capacity of 60 million tonnes per year

Date: 14:03, 29-09-2014.

Almaty. September 29. Silkroadnews - Iran has carried out the construction of 10 large petrochemical plants that are planned to be operational by March 2016, reports the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG) on Monday.
As told reporters the project manager of the National Petrochemical Company of Iran Shahdai Marzia, 10 large petrochemical plants will be commissioned before the end of the next Iranian year, ie until March 2016.
"Construction of these plants is completed by more than 60%", - said the manager.
According to her, the total production capacity of the new facilities will be about 60 million tons per year.
As previously reported, in the near future, the Iranian authorities are going to increase the production of various petrochemical products in the country from the current 60 million tons to 180 million tons per year.

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