Iran not to make concessions on wheat tariffs within the framework of free trade zone created with EEU
Almaty. June 26. Silkroadnews – Within the framework of the free trade zone (FTZ) established with the Eurasian Economic Unit (EEU) Iran is ready to provide tariff concessions on a wide range of agricultural products, except for wheat, refined vegetable oils, mineral water and cigarettes, TASS reports.
“In its proposal submitted during the round, Iran has demonstrated its readiness to grant concessions on the terms requested by the member states on almost all the EEU’s positions of interest, except for wheat, refined vegetable oils, mineral water and cigarettes”, the agricultural ministry’ officials said.
However, as the parties could not come to a “mutually acceptable compromise”, no agreements were fixed meaning the negotiations will continue.
In December 2016, meeting at the EEU summit the presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia approved beginning of negotiations on a free trade zone to be established with Iran and a number of other countries.
On March 7, 2017, following the meeting in Bishkek the Eurasian intergovernmental council decided to prepare such an agreement.