Iran offered to refuse from import of sugar due to a record volume of domestic production

Date: 12:07, 30-04-2015.

Almaty. April 30. Silkroadnews - Iran has offered to give up sugar imports due to a record volume of domestic production, reported the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG) on Thursday.
"In 1393 on the solar calendar (21/03/2014 - 20/03/2015), the country produced 1.4 million tons of sugar, which fully covers the domestic demand of this product. During this period was also grown 4.7 million tonnes of sugar beet, which is also a very good indicator", - said the Minister of Agricultural Jihad Mahmoud Hojjati.
According to him, the situation is also favorable in the production of sugar cane.
M.Hojjati noted that taking into account the increased level of internal sugar production and sufficient stockpiles created last year, currently the mnistry is negotiating with the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade of the termination of the registration of requests to import this type of product from abroad.
The minister recalled that imported in autumn last year 800 thousand tonnes of sugar had been ordered two years ago.

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