Iran offers assistance to Afghanistan in the fight against ISIL

Date: 08:58, 18-05-2015.

Almaty. May 18. Silkroadnews - Iran does not exclude the possibility of assisting the Afghan government in the struggle against extremist group "Islamic State of Iraq and Levant", which is gradually expanding its influence in Afghanistan, reported IrTAG with reference to the Iranian ambassador in Kabul, Mohammad Reza Bahrami.
According to him, the main condition for such cooperation is a formal appeal of the leadership of Afghanistan to Iran with the request.
"Similarly, the Iraqi authorities have acted. ISIL potentially poses a significant danger to Kabul, and all the other countries in the region",- he said.
"In the next few years or even months ISIL can achieve significant progress in Afghanistan. This group can influence the situation not only in this country but also the neighboring countries", - stressed R.Bahrami.
In January, the ISIL announced the creation of "the emirate of Khurasan", which includes Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. "Emir" has been appointed Hafiz Saeed Khan - one of the leaders of the Pakistani Taliban. Recently there has been a significant strengthening of the position of extremists in the eastern and southern regions of Afghanistan. ISIL seeks to subjugate the forces of the movement "Taliban", extremists who have declared war. In the eastern province of Nangarhar for almost a week continuing clashes between armed groups of two groups. Thus, increasingly to ISIL swear allegiance the warlords and gunmen of "Taliban."

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