Iranian authorities declare their readiness to abolish visa requirements for citizens of neighboring countries
Almaty. January 9. Silkroadnews - Iranian authorities declare their readiness to abolish visa requirements for citizens of neighboring countries, reported the Iranian News Agency (IrTAG) on Friday.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to give up procedures requiring visas, or to simplify the process of issuing visas to citizens of all countries, particularly our neighboring states if their side will be taken similar action", - said Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran on consular relations Hassan Qashqavi, speaking in Tehran on conference on the development of medical tourism.
As an example H.Kashkavi called Kuwait, whose citizens will soon not be required to obtain a visa when visiting Iranian country. According to him, the Iranian authorities have taken this step after Kuwait decided to complete abolition of the visa regime for Iranian citizens who wish to visit this Arab state.
However, the diplomat said that in order to promote the development of national industry of medical tourism foreign ministers almost halve the cost of visas for persons arriving in Iran with the aim of medical treatment and medical examination. This again highlights the major focus of the government to raise the attractiveness of Iran among foreign tourists, particularly in the field of medical tourism, he said.
Meanwhile, Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister also noted that in recent years Iran has not been registered any emergency incident involving foreign citizens, which indicates a high level of security and order in the country.