Iranian Foreign Minister called on for the complete elimination of the use of nuclear weapons in military doctrines
Almaty. April 28. Silkroadnews - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in his speech on Monday in New York at the Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) called on for the complete elimination of the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons in military doctrines of nuclear states, said IrTAG.
"We firmly believe that any use or threat of use of nuclear weapons would be a crime against humanity, violation of the principles of the UN Charter, international law, in particular international humanitarian law", - said the head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry.
He added that Iran "expressed its dissatisfaction at the lack of the necessary political will on the part of the nuclear powers, which should provide the security interests of non-nuclear states that are parties of the NPT, to give them unconditional and legally binding assurances that against them will not be used or they will not be threatened to use nuclear weapons".
"We call on the nuclear powers to immediately abandon plans of further investments in the modernization and life extension of nuclear weapons and related facilities", - said the minister.
According to him, the nuclear powers "have not made progress" in the elimination of their arsenals, and the role of weapons of mass destruction in their security policy has not decreased. Moreover, Zarif stressed, "the reduction in deployment and reduce of operational readiness" of nuclear weapons "can not substitute for irreversible cuts and the total elimination" of these arsenals.
The Minister stressed that the improvement of existing and development of new types of nuclear weapons violates the obligations assumed by the nuclear powers at the conclusion of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). In addition, it is unacceptable that the military doctrine of nuclear powers and NATO justifies the use or threat of use of weapons of mass destruction.
He also urged the soauthors of the acepted in 1995 UN General Assembly's resolution - the US, Britain and Russia - to take all necessary measures to implement fully in terms of the creation in the Middle East a zone free of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction and expressed concern on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Israel's nuclear activities, which "represents a serious threat to neighboring countries in the Middle East".
"The lack of progress in the situation when the nuclear-weapon States do not assume obligations on nuclear disarmament could undermine the basis and purpose of the NPT and the credibility of the non-proliferation regime", - said Zarif.
To date, the nuclear powers officially recognized eight countries: Russia, Britain, China, USA, France, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, as well as India, Pakistan and North Korea. In addition, the possession of nuclear weapons of Israel is suspected. The power of the Jewish state did not confirm the presence of its nuclear weapons, but, according to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, to the present time, Israel could produce between 100 and 200 such warheads.
According to independent experts, Israel has available about 200-400 nuclear warheads, making this country the only owner of nuclear weapons in the region. Thus, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) in 2012, Israel was armed with "at least 80 highly operational nuclear warheads".