IS threat to Afghanistan has been greatly exaggerated, said the head of intelligence service of the IRA

Date: 08:27, 23-01-2015.

Almaty. January 22. Silkroadnews - The head of Afghan intelligence-Directorate of National Security (DAS) Rahmatullah Nabil said that the terrorist group "Islamic State" (IG) is not a serious threat to Afghanistan, handed over Afghan News Agency (AfTAG).
As said at a briefing in parliament R.Nabil, the Afghan intelligence service has considerable expertise in terms of its features. According to him, the IS group has more threat to neighboring countries.
As recalled by the agency, the Interior Ministry confirmed earlier reports that many Taliban fighters are now conducting operations in different parts of Afghanistan under the name of "Islamic state".
Meanwhile, ex-President Hamid Karzai said that the IS has no supporters among Afghans. In an interview with the BBC Karzai accused foreign intelligence agencies in promoting the ideology of the IS in different parts of Afghanistan.

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