Kazakh President invited the countries of the United Nations to create a supranational world currency

Date: 07:43, 29-09-2015.

Almaty. September 29. Silkroadnews - President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev at the general debate of the 70th UN General Assembly session in New York, proposed to merge the efforts of the Organization for the development of a supranational world currency that meets the goals and objectives of global sustainable development.
"The fight against the global crisis must begin with restoring order issue and circulation of the world's reserve currency, which currently does not meet the criteria of the rule of law, democracy, competition, efficiency and international control. In the twenty-first century, the world needs a new quality of financial instruments. It is necessary to unite the efforts of the UN member states to develop a supranational world currency that meets the goals and objectives of sustainable development and global prosperity", - stated in the text of the speech of Nursultan Nazarbayev, published on the website Akorda on Tuesday.
He stressed that "very relevant is the idea of ​​the World anti-crisis plan, the project is being actively discussed on the sidelines of the Astana Economic Forum".
"Current issues on the global agenda - terrorism, the destruction of states, migration and other negative phenomena are the consequences of the economic crisis, poverty, illiteracy and unemployment", - said the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
He also proposed to convert the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations to the Council for Global Development. According to the President, its members would include all heads of UN specialized agencies, including the International Monetary Fund..
Also, the President of Kazakhstan pointed out the danger of weakening role of global institutions.
He reminded that Kazakhstan has consistently advocated a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, and the full implementation of the Minsk agreements by conflicting parties.

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