Kazakhstan and China share best practices on forest planting for drylands
Almaty. May 30. Silkroadnews – Kazakhstan and China exchanged their best practices in planting various species of trees in dry and saline soils, the acting chairman of the Ministry’s Forestry and Wildlife Committee Kairat Ustemirov stated, KazTAG reports.
“We start working with the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, there is a scientific agrarian institute of forestry in Xinjiang. We start working specifically on the green field. They have gained a huge experience on planting forests in arid, semi-abandoned lands,” K. Ustemirov said speaking at the first ministerial conference on forestry development in Central Asia, China and Mongolia, held in Astana on Monday.
“They try different breeds, grasses, we have signed a memorandum between the research institutes of forestry of Kazakhstan and China, select pilot areas in the territory of green areas of our city and we want to try to experience the Chinese methods of planting on saline lands. The soils around Astana are complex, saline, with underground waters. So, we want to try the Chinese experience of landing on such lands,” he explained.
The official of the Ministry of Agriculture also added, in Kazakhstan we traditionally set pine and birch, and for the saline and waterlogged lands we used to apply a poplar and other salt-resistant species.
“The Chinese delegation came to us before, we showed them our green zone. Our specialists also visited Xinjiang last year to see their institution and landings. It is the second year we have been working together,” K. Ustemirov said.