Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan entered the list of 50 countries that use broadband mobile internet
Almaty. September 22. Silkroadnews - Kazakhstan occupies 48th place out of 189 on the use of broadband mobile Internet, KazTAG reports citing the International Telecommunications Union.
Kyrgyzstan takes 36th place (68.5), Russia - 40th (65.9), Belarus - 55th (55), Uzbekistan - 109th (23.9), Turkmenistan - 134th (10 9), Tajikistan - 140th (9.5). In 9 countries, including Cameroon, Chad, Guinea-Bissau and Cuba, there are no subscribers for broadband mobile Internet.
The report "The State of Broadband", which annually produces Commission on broadband - is a unique global picture of access to broadband networks and affordability. The broadband is measured on the basis of key promoted objectives set by the Commission in 2011.