Kazakhstan asks the Russian Federation to deal with illegal inspections of transit of Kazakh goods from Europe
Almaty. September 9. Silkroadnews - Ministry for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan with Russian colleagues discuss questions concerning the detention of Kazakh goods, following to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan from Europe through Russian Federation, reports KazTAG.
From 3 to 9 September continues facts of inspecting vehicles, going transit through Russia to the territory of Kazakhstan from the European states. Reasons for inspections to date are not clear.
Recall, on the eve, the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan reported that, according to the requirements of the Federal Customs Service, in respect of motor vehicles in transit through the territory of the Russian Federation to Kazakhstan, applied full customs clearance. As a result, pending examination has accumulated more than 100 vehicles, Kazakh carriers suffer losses, violated the terms of delivery.