Kazakhstan ranked 141st in the ranking of the anti-corruption

Date: 12:10, 13-11-2014.

Almaty. November 13. Silkroadnews - Kazakhstan ranked 141st in the ranking of the anti-corruption TRACE Matrix, informed KazTAG citing the official website of the international organization TRACE International.
From the published summary table, Kazakhstan with risk assessment of 68 points occupies 141-st place among the 197 and is adjacent to the countries such as Azerbaijan and Mali.
"Countries were evaluated on four main criteria: how does business work with the authorities of the country; which kind of anti-corruption laws does the country have and how are they applied in practice; how transparent are civil service and government procedures, and whether there is a possibility of social control of all these processes", - noted in the explanatory table.
Among the above factors, the worst result Kazakhstan has in the interaction of business with the government - 72 points out of 100.
Meanwhile, for anti-corruption legislation, Kazakhstan has received the highest ratings - 22 points.
Data of the country's rating will be updated every 2 years.