Kazakhstan ratified agreement with China on mutual construction of the Embassy

Date: 14:52, 09-12-2014.

Almaty. December 9. Silkroadnews - Kazakhstan has ratified a treaty with China on mutual construction of embassies, reports the press service of the president.
The purpose of the agreement is to strengthen the friendly relations between the two countries, to ensure proper conditions of stay and work of diplomatic missions of Kazakhstan in China and China in Kazakhstan. According to the document, the Kazakh side provides the Chinese side on temporary paid land use (lease) the land of 3 hectares in the city of Astana at the street Tauelsizdik, for the construction of buildings of the Chinese Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 49 years.
The Chinese side provides the Kazakh side on temporary paid land use (lease) the land in Beijing in 3rd diplomatic district with area of 0.2316 hectares for the construction of the residence of the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the PRC and in the 4th diplomatic area of 1 ha for the construction of buildings of Kazakh Embassy in China for 49 years.
The Parties undertake to comply with the national legislation of the receiving State in the field of urban planning and architecture in the design and construction of diplomatic missions.
Construction of diplomatic missions on land, on a reciprocal basis exempt from all taxes and other compulsory payments levied in accordance with the national legislation of States Parties, with the exception of the rent for the land use.

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