Kazakhstan urged the DPRK to restore its place at the negotiating table and completely abandon its nuclear ambitions
Almaty. September 13. Silkroadnews – Kazakhstan urged the DPRK to restore its place at the negotiating table and completely abandon its nuclear ambitions, the press service of the Kazakhstani Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs.
«On September 9 all the seismic stations of the Republic of Kazakhstan as included into the International Monitoring System (IMS) to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) registered a seismic event with epicenter close to the nuclear testing polygon Pungeri of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Data evaluation confirmed the testing of nuclear weapons», the statement the Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan posted on the ministry's official site says on the nuclear weapon testing by the North Korea.
The Foreign Ministry reminded this polygon was used for the nuclear testing in 2006, 2009, 2013 and in January 2016.
«Kazakhstan strongly condemns such actions by the DPRK and considers them as unacceptable and violating the Security Council resolutions», the statement says.
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kazakhstan being together with Japan a co-chairman of the 9th Conference on article XIV of the CTBT, as well as the Chairman of the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation, believes that «highly irresponsible actions by the North Korea have a negative impact on the nuclear disarmament process and threaten security at both regional and global levels, undermining the efforts by the vast majority of the world states to ensure a nuclear-free future».
«Being a country that experienced the whole murderous nature of nuclear weapons, voluntarily renounced the nuclear arsenals and initiated the adoption of the UN General Assembly resolution to establish August 29 as the International Day against Nuclear Tests, Kazakhstan stands for the complete prohibition of nuclear tests and urges the DPRK to immediately return to the negotiating table in the six-parties format with participation of China, Russia, US, Republic of Korea and Japan and completely abandon nuclear ambitions», the statement by the Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan says.
The department officials also reminded of Kazakhstan's conviction that the key to the global security is the elimination of the nuclear weapons, as both our country and President Nursultan Nazarbayev urge in a consistent manner setting the building of a peace without nuclear weapons as the major goal of humanity in the XXI century.
To remind, on Friday morning the DPRK conducted nuclear test on the occasion of its 68th anniversary of the country's founding. As Pyongyang stated, the test «confirmed the nuclear warhead can be mounted to ballistic missiles» of the country's armed forces. According to the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Korea, it is the most powerful weapon tested in the North Korea. Until now Pyongyang has carried out four nuclear tests: in 2006, 2009, 2013 and in January 2016.