KazAtomProm and RosAtom sign memorandum on Nuclear Power Station construction in Kazakhstan
Astana. May 30. Silkroadnews – A memorandum on mutual understanding for construction of a Nuclear Power Station on the territory of Kazakhstan was signed by Russia and Kazakhstan, as KazTAG reports.
“A bilateral memorandum was signed by the Chairman of the Board of “KazAtomProm” National Nuclear Company, Vladimir Shkolnik and the head of “RosAtom” Sergey Kirienko. It was signed within the framework of the working session of the High Eurasian Economic Council”, the agency informs.
According to KazAtomProm, the Nuclear Power Station construction predisposes installation of PWRs with 300-1200 megawatts capacity.
The parties are also to cooperate when it comes to supplying the NPS with nuclear fuel. AS reported earlier, the fuel components are to be produced in Kazakhstan, but in cooperation with the Russian party.
Moreover, the parties have also signed a roadmap on joint tackling of subsoil issues, as “Kharasan-1”, “Akdala” and “South Inkai” uranium mines in Kazakhstan are concerned.
As reported earlier, the cost of the Nuclear Power Station project is to be determined after all the technical documentation is completed. In line with the cost level of other NPS projects around the world, an NPS with 1 000 megawatt capacity could cost around USD 5 bln.