Kyrgyz film "Kurmanjan Datca" is nominated for "Oscar"

Date: 16:05, 07-10-2014.

Almaty. October 7. Silkroadnews - The film "Kurmanjan Datca" is nominated by Kyrgyzstan to participate in the competition for the "Oscar" in the nomination "The film in a foreign language", reports KyrTAG.
Press secretary of the studio "Aitysh film" Cholpon Idrissova confirmed that Kyrgyzstan has applied to the film "Kurmanjan Datca" in September.
"By the end of the 1st round, in the movie list of applicants to participate in the competition, will remain 50 tapes. Results of the 2nd round will be announced in January 2015",- she explained.
As noted, the list of nominees for the "Oscar" will be announced on January 15, 2015. Awarding ceremony will be held on February 22.

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