Kyrgyz pilot to fly round the world on single-engine aircraft

Date: 11:21, 22-07-2016.

Almaty. July 22. KazTAG - Soyuzbek Saliyev, a pilot from Kyrgyzstan, is preparing for round the world flight through 26 states of the world on a single-engine aircraft Mooney Ovation 2.
He plans to depart in early August, reports the Kyrgyzstan Telegraph Agency (KyrTAG).
"Sooronbay Zheenbekov, Prime Minister, met the pilot. Soyuzbek Saliyev said he dedicated the flight to the 25th anniversary of independence of Kyrgyzstan, he will carry the state flag of Kyrgyzstan aboard," the message reports.
He plans to depart in early August and fly over 47.6 thousand km above the territory of 26 states of the world.

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