Kyrgyzstan has over 100 furnaces of ethnic conflict

Date: 11:26, 10-06-2014.

Bishkek. June 10. Silkroadnews – There are over 100 furnaces of ethnic conflicts in Kyrgyzstan, as KyrTAG reports.
“It is that season now, where people are working on the fields. Conflicts are arising during that period. Local tensions are increasing in Kyrgyzstan”, Naken Kasiyev, who heads Kyrgyz State Agency for local government and Inter-ethnic relations, said this Monday.
He says his agency is working to establish the Centre aimed at monitoring ethnic conflict zones.
“Our main goal is to define zones of ethnic conflicts. This is to be done through our public offices and consultative councils in the regions. The Centre is to provide us with necessary analys and recommendations for local conflict resolution”, the head of the agency stated.
He added that interethnic conflicts results in moral and material damage.
“The conflicts of 1990 and 2010 have resulted in great damage for our republic. We spent around 10 bln soms to recover from the conflict of 2010. This includes reconstruction of buildings. Either party lost. Lost morally and lost materially. The international image of our country was damaged. That is why all Kyrgyz citizens need to learn from this experience”, he concluded.

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