Kyrgyzstan hopes next year to withdraw its airlines from EU blacklist
Almaty. August 18. Silkroadnews - Kyrgyzstan hopes next year to withdraw its airlines from the blacklist of the European Union, transmits KyrTAG.
"Inspector Commission of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which can by audit withdraw the airline from the blacklist, has not yet arrived in Kyrgyzstan. It assumed to arrive in August, but we decided to postpone the date of arrival, perhaps it will be the end of this year or early next year",- said the director of the Civil Aviation Agency Erkin Isakov on Monday.
According to him, it all depends on the recommendations of the ICAO. "In principle, the work is going. We took a series of acts to get out of the list. Just this month signed a draft of amendments to the Air Code. All these changes are in accordance with the recommendations of the ICAO audit. We are planning that next year we will have positive results", - added E.Isakov.
The list of criteria for the release from the "black list" consists of 67 items. Airlines of KR were included in this list in 2006.