Kyrgyzstan yak breeders hope to enter the world market

Date: 13:44, 20-02-2015.

Almaty. February 20. Silkroadnews - Kyrgyzstan yak breeders hope to enter the world market, transfers KyrTAG citing the head of association of legal entities - producers and processors of meat KR "Kyrgyz Et" Yrysbek Abdrasulov.
"At the moment we have, by the official data, 26-27 thousand heads of yaks, But according to unofficial information we have much more yaks. There is an existing demand of its meat on the world market. But we have a lot of work, it is necessary to break into this market",- said Y.Abdrasulov on Friday.
According to him, the implementation of such plans need purposeful work, which is designed to perform the association "Kyrgyz topozu".
The largest amount of yaks concentrated in the Issyk-Kul and Naryn region.
Recall, recent years yak breeders complained about low level of sales.

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