Large-scale command exercise of Iran's navy will be held in late November
Tehran. August 25. Silkroadnews - Naval forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran will hold a large-scale command post exercise at the end of November this year, transmits the Iranian News Agency.
"New models of naval equipment and armaments will be involved in these tactical exercises", - said the commander of the Iranian Navy Admiral Habibullah Sayari.
According to him, the geography of these maneuvers is quite extensive, and it will extend from the eastern part of the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf to the northern waters of the Indian Ocean.
The commander of Iran's navy said that the there is a possibility to involve a new development of military-industrial complex - a submarine Fatah «if it will be ready by November 28".
The Iranian commander added that the main purpose of command post exercises is to practice defensive action of Navy personnel of the Islamic Republic in the case of an attack or threat of war from the side of third countries.