Leader of Kazakhstan said about the need of redistribution of power between the president, government and parliament

Date: 14:50, 15-12-2016.

Almaty. December 15. Silkroadnews – Time comes for Kazakhstan to consider redistribution of powers between the president, government and parliament, the country’s president Nursultan Nazarbayev said, KazTAG reports.

“Time comes to consider the redistribution of powers between the president, government and parliament. A special commission should examine these issues and make proposals to amend the relevant laws and, possibly, the Constitution”, Nursultan Nazarbayev said at the solemn meeting held on Thursday.

With this he also noted the history of independence shows: the success in building the new state and reforms has been achieved, above all, through a strong presidential power, yet a new stage of development of the state objectively raises the issue of strengthening the liability of parliament and government regarding the social affairs in the country.

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