Ministers of foreign affairs of Iran and Finland discussed deepening of cooperation prospects

Date: 10:04, 02-06-2016.

Almaty. June 2. Silkroadnews – Within the framework of his European tour the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with his Finnish counterpart Timo Soini at Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Helsinki, IrTAG reported on Wednesday.

During the meeting M. Zarif informed T. Soini on the economic and banking situation in his country and expressed Iran’s desire to expand the economic ties with Finland after reaching the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program.

He also emphasized the importance of the meeting to be held by the participants of the Iranian economic delegation accompanying him with representatives of Finnish side and the meeting of the members of the chambers of commerce of two countries to be carried out with his participation, having voiced a desire to establish “strong ties between the two countries”.

In his turn, T. Soini stressed the need for expansion of ties between Tehran and Helsinki, in particular in the fields of communications and education.