Mobile providers’ profit dropped by $20 million in Tajikistan last year

Beijing. May 21. Silkroadnews - In Tajikistan mobile providers’ profit dropped by $20 million last year, the Tajik Telegraph Agency (TajikTA) reported on Monday.
According to the report released by the government’s communication department, last year, profit of Internet and mobile communication services providers operating in Tajikistan declined by 176 million somoni ($20 million).
In 2017, the document says, the profit of private and public companies operating in communications sector made 2,672 billion somoni, which is 176 million somoni less compared to 2016.
Earlier the Unified communications center set under Tajiktelecom was expected to receive an average of $2.1 million on the international calls in a month.
Last month, a representative of Tajikistan’s Tax Committee said that in the first quarter of this year, Internet providers and cellular companies in Tajikistan suffered millions of losses, which caused the country’s budget to lose 115 million somoni (about $13 million) in taxes.