More than $153 million will be deficite of funds in the energy sector of Kyrgyzstan in the current year
Almaty. June 1st. Silkroadnews - 8,9 billion soms ($153 078 mln) will be shortage of funds in the energy sector this year, transmits KyrTAG.
"The tariff policy should satisfy both consumers and suppliers. But after recalculation will happen increase in the deficit. This year's expected deficit is 8.5 billion soms, whereas last year it was 6.7 billion. However, taking into account the recalculation of the tariffs, it will be 8.9 billion soms this year", - said the director of the state agency on regulation of fuel energy complex Nurbek Elebaev at a press conference on Monday.
According to the State Secretary of Minenergoprom Batyrkul Baetov question of tariff increase "does not require discussion".
"Over 50% of the networks are worn out, it makes the system unreliable" - he added.
$1 = 58.14