More than 3 mln of freights transported through Chinese-Kazakhstani border via Alashankou -Dostyk passage

Date: 06:54, 22-07-2016.

Almaty. July 22. Silkroadnews -  More than 3 mln tons of freights have been transported through Alashankou-Dostyk passage in the first half of the year, almost 260 000 tons up year on year, reports the Xinhua news agency.
The annual capacity of the interstate passage Alashankou-Dostyk makes 20 mln tons.
In six months of last year 136 container trains passed against 479 last year.
"The volume has been increased in the result of reduction of time for the trains processing to 4 hours 15 minutes, prior to this it took 9 hours," said Nurgali Ilyasov, director of Kazakhstani railway - Dostyk station.
Dostyk station is a key trans-border railway passage from Kazakhstan to China with more than 10 000 people population.

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