Narendra Modi to discuss with Xi Jinping India’s joining Nuclear Suppliers’ Group
Almaty. June 21. Silkroadnews – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will discuss with Chinese President Xi Jinping issue of India joining the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group during the meeting in Tashkent, information portal DnaIndia reports.
“Prime Minister Narendra Modi will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on Thursday, June 23, to discuss Beijing’s support for India’s candidacy for membership in the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG),” a statement says.
It is noted that India’s candidacy is actively supported by the U.S.
“You know during the visit by Prime Minister Modi, President Barack Obama has welcomed the announcement of India joining the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group and said India is ready for membership in the group. We support this initiative and our position has not changed. We urge the member states to endorse India’s application to join the group at the plenary session in Seoul this week,” John Kirby, the U.S. State Department spokesman, is quoted.
The publication informs, this statement was made shortly after Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said “China does not resist India to join the NSG, but wants to discuss the criteria and procedures only”.
It is also noted the opponents of India’s joining the NSG have expressed fears it may lead to the group’s outgrowth and provoke Pakistan’s anger.
The decision on India and NSG shall be made at the Group’s plenary session to be held in Seoul on June 23-24.
According to the Indian side, its candidacy is supported by 21 out of 23 states, yet, the NSG guidelines assume even one negative voice shall mean a rejection.
Among the countries supporting India’s candidacy are the U.S., UK, Russia and Switzerland.