Naval divers competition to be held in Iran

Beijing. Jul 24. Silkroadnews - The Russian Navy team arrived in the northern Iranian city of Nowshahr to take part in an international competition among naval divers “Depth 2018”, scheduled for early August, the Iranian Telegraph Agency (IrTAG) reports.
The combined team of Russian Navy divers arrived in Iran as the first tem and will start training on Sunday, Tasnim News Agency wrote referring to the Iranian Navy’s Public Relations Office.
The team consists of frogmen from the Russian Navy’s Black Sea, Baltic, Northern, and Pacific fleets and Caspian Flotilla.
The naval teams from Russia, China, South Africa, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, India, Pakistan and Syria will take part in this international competition. The tournament will last from August 1 for 10 days, in the territory of the Imam Khomeini University, Nowshahr.
Last year’s army games were held at 22 test sites in Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and China.
More than 1,200 soldiers from 22 countries took part in the military games in Russia in 2017.