One third of the Afghan population is suffering from food shortages - UN
Almaty. 11 September. Silkroadnews - According to the UN, the number of undernourished in Afghanistan has reached 5.9%, or 1.5 million people, a third of the population is experiencing serious problems with food, said Afghan News Agency (AfTAG).
It is noted that another 7.3 million people are classified as moderately affected by food shortages.
Reportedly, concerning the number of people who are forced to sell the land exceeded 20% throughout the country.
In addition, it is reported that, according to the UN report, households headed by women by 50% have poor diet and low income, and are more likely to use extreme coping strategies, such as a request for alms or help from relatives.
Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of IRA Assadulla Zamir requested assistance to the most vulnerable segments of the population.