OPEC oil basket price for the first time since July 2009 fell below $ 64 a barrel

Date: 12:38, 09-12-2014.

Almaty. December 9. Silkroadnews - Price of OPEC oil basket (OPEC Reference Basket of crudes) updated a minimum since July 2009, dropping to $63.78 per barrel, reports RBC quoting the organization's secretariat.
On December 5, the value of the basket was $65.32 per barrel. Thus, the drop was 2.5%.
OPEC oil basket is one of the key indicators of the world market price of hydrocarbons. It reflects the average price of oil, which is supplied to the world market of the country of the international organization of oil exporters. Price for oil basket is carried out daily on working days as of the previous trading day by the OPEC Secretariat, who always sits in Vienna.
Since January 2009, the OPEC basket is represented by 12 brands of oil in the number of countries participating in the organization: Saharan Blend (Algeria); Girassol (Angola); Merey (Venezuela); Basra Light (Iraq); Iran Heavy (Iran); Qatar Marine (Qatar); Kuwait Export (Kuwait); Es Sider (Libya); Bonny Light (Nigeria); Murban (UAE); Arab Light (Saudi Arabia); Oriente (Ecuador).

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