Over the 1st quarter Uzbekistan has increased vegetables production 10.6%
Almaty. May 4. Silkroadnews – Over the first quarter the Uzbek farmers have increased production of vegetables by 10.6% to 53.1 tonnes, the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) reports.
“For the first three months of the year we exported 95.1 thousand tonnes of fruits and vegetables. To strengthen and develop the storage material-technical base we constructed 16 new cold rooms for storage of 10.5 thousand tons of vegetables and fruits,” the officials of the ministry of agriculture and water resources inform.
As part of the measures directed to raise the livestock production sector 664 projects have been implemented since the beginning of the year to increase the number of cattle, poultry, fish breeding and bee farms.
As a result, in the first quarter of this year the total number of cattle in the country has reached more than 11.5 million heads (5.8% growth compared to the same period of 2015); also 425.8 thousand tons of meat (+6.1%), 12.7 thousand tons of fish (+10%), 1.59 million tons of milk (+6.4%), 1180.4 million eggs (+6.7%) were produced.