Payment for service in mobilization call-up reserve has been cut for more than 1 million som in Uzbekistan
Beijing. February 12. Silkroadnews - Payment for service in mobilization call-up reserve has been cut for more than 1 million som in Uzbekistan, the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) reported.
The new norm has been approved by presidential decree, signed on February 2, 2018.
According to the document, since February 5, the amount of the contribution to be paid to the special account for service in the mobilization call-up reserve is 20 minimum wages or 3 million 444 thousand 800 som. Previously, it was 27.5 minimum wages (that is, 4 million 736 thousand 600 som).
According to the Ministry of Defense, the difference, which was formed on the funds contributed to the special account before February 5, not to be returned.
$1 = 8186.95 som