Phone cases with liquid are advised not to be taken on flight in China

Beijing. May 11. Silkroadnews - Passengers in China have been advised not to take glitter water cases with them on flight to avoid unnecessary security problems, China Global Television Network reports.
Many Chinese prefer to use “liquid” covers for phones that both protect the cellphones and make the devices to look more beautiful. Covers filled with gel, inside which glitters are floating, have become very fashionable among young people.
One single store on China’s leading e-commerce website Taobao has sold more than 550 such cases in a month. However, some holders of such cases have recently encountered problems when were not allowed to take the phone covers on flight due to “unidentified liquid” filled in.
Some sellers of “liquid” cases reported they did not know about such a problem, others explained that such cases are forbidden to carry on board the aircraft, because they are filled with mineral oil, which could be inflammable if substandard.
Different Chinese airports also respond differently to the questions of whether it is possible to carry “liquid” cases on board. In Beijing and Chengdu, the decisions are made by the security service, in Shanghai it is forbidden to carry such covers on board, while the Shenzhen Airport authorities say it is possible to carry such cases if the amount of liquid is small and it cannot be taken out.
In China, the liquid is allowed to be carried in cabin baggage if kept in containers of not more than 100 ml each. But despite the fact that transportation of “liquid” cases is not regulated in any way, the aviation authorities do not advise passengers to try to carry them on board the aircraft.