PRC to establish several new departments and restructure state apparatus

Beijing. March 13. Silkroadnews - China will establish several new departments and restructure the state apparatus, the Kazakh Telegraph Agency (KazTAG) reports with reference to Xinhua.
China’s authorities plan starting a large-scale reform of the state apparatus structure, as a result of which several new ministries and state institutions will be set, the statement said on Tuesday.
At least three new ministries are expected to be established in the country in the near future – for natural resources, veterans and emergency situations. After the reform in China, there will be 26 key departments and committees. The State Council will also have several additional offices, including ones on international cooperation development and migration issues.
The State Council also plans to abolish the state committee in charge of banking activities control and management, as well as the state committee in charge of insurance control and management. Instead, a committee for control over banking and insurance activities will be created.
It is also planned the State Council of China will create a special agency to develop and coordinate national programs to provide assistance to other states and develop international cooperation.