Prices of basic foods and fuel are stable in Kyrgyzstan
Almaty. February 17. Silkroadnews - According to the results of monitoring, the retail prices for the basic food and non-food products within the country are stable, the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic reports.
According to January 2016 results of weekly monitoring throughout 19 cities areas, Osh and Bishkek cities, the retail prices for basic food and non-food products are noted as the stable ones. There are no sharp price increases or drops observed.
A slight increase was found out in average retail prices for the first grade flour (1.4%), 400g tin loaf bread (0.7%) and potatoes (0.2%).
Compared with January 2015 there is no abnormal rise in prices. Slight growth was observed in prices for five commodity items: bread - by 6.8% or 1.20 som, macaroni products - 1.5% (0.67 som), rice - 11.3% (8.24 som), sugar - 4.3% (2.19 som), vegetable oil - 7.2% (6.21 som).
For all other goods there is a decline in prices observed, the average reduction percentage for January 2016 compared with the same period of last year makes 5%.
The January situation with the fuels and lubricants is also stable. The monitoring showed decline in prices for all the observed positions in fuel, oil and lubricants category (A-80, A-92 gasoline and diesel fuel) throughout all the regions of the republic. E.g. the price of A-80 gasoline decreased over the republic by 5.6%, A-92 gasoline - by 9.2% and diesel fuel - by 7.9%.