Private investment in renewable energy in Iran to reach $4.7 billion by 2020

Beijing. Jul 25. Silkroadnews - According to forecasts, by the end of the next 1398 Iranian fiscal year (ending on March 20, 2020), private investments in the renewable energy sector in Iran will reach 200 trillion rials ($4.7 billion), the Iranian Telegraph Agency (IrTAG) reports referring to the head of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization, also known as Satba.
“Satba issues three to four permits daily for building renewable power plants,” ILNA quoted saying by Mohammad Sadeqzadeh.
“For adding 5 kilowatt of renewable power capacity to the national grid, an investment of 300 million rials (roughly $7,100) is needed, which will return 8 million rials ($190) in monthly revenues,” he added.
According to the government’s transactions with private investors, the Ministry of Energy guarantees the purchase of output of power plants on renewable energy sources for 20 years.