Qinghai-Tibet railroad transported 27 million passengers in 12 years

Beijing. June 18. Silkroadnews - As of the end of April 2018, a total of 27.49 million passengers had been delivered using the Qinghai-Tibet railway, the world’s longest high-mountain road, People’s Daily reports.
After putting in operation the Golmid-Lhasa section, four pairs of trains daily ran on the Qinghai-Tibet line. Now the number has almost doubled to seven pairs, and in the peak season - to nine pairs, Wu Xin’an, an employee of the Lhasa railway station said.
The Lhasa station, which used to be a small terminal station, has turned into a real transport hub, Wu said, adding that the railway network in Tibet contribute to facilitate the local economic and social development.
Back in 2006, people mostly came to Tibet for tourism, but now the passengers go there with a variety of purposes, such as business, school, family visit and so on.