"Islamic state" with an income of $2 billion is considered the richest terrorist group
Almaty. November 13. Silkroadnews - Terrorist group "Islamic state" (IS) led the ranking of the richest organizations with an income of $2 billion, reports The Afghan News Agency (AfTAG).
As noted, the Israeli version of the publication Forbes has conducted research. The main income of the Islamists is the sale on the black market of oil products from their control fields in Iraq and Syria. As previously reported, only the daily profit from the illegal sale of oil is around $2 million. The price of oil in the IS range varies from $25 to $50 per barrel, and daily extremists realize almost 30 thousand barrels. The Islamists continue to develop and captured Iraqi archaeological sites and Syrian heritage, selling them through intermediaries in clandestine auctions in Western countries.
Second place in the occupied by Palestinian movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Its annual income is $1 billion, generated mainly due to the sponsorship of the Gulf countries, as well as through charitable organizations and foundations.
The ten most affluent extremist organizations were also "Hezbollah" (Lebanon) - $500 million, the movement "Taliban" (Afghanistan) - $400 million, the international network "Al-Qaeda" - $150 million, "Al-Shabab" (Somalia, Kenya) - $70 million, the list closes the "Boko Haram" (Nigeria) with income of $25 million.
Many of them are involved in the trafficking of drugs, weapons, slavery, and the smuggling of art. Often extremists for their needs robbing local people, robbing banks and government agencies.