Relevant departments of China encourage to use the firearms in case of a sudden act of violence

Date: 10:48, 18-06-2015.

Almaty. June 18. Silkroadnews - to use firearms in the event of a sudden act of violence encourages relevant agencies in China, reported Xinhua news agency.
"While responding to sudden acts of violence, employees of public security organs shall, in accordance with the law, perform their duties, on the basis of legal requirements to use firearms, not only by all means ensure the safety of life and property and to maintain overall security, but also to implement fully their own security", - said the publication with reference to the Deputy Minister of Public Security Huang Ming.
At the meeting of all-China public security organs to promote transactions in the control of firearms in 2015, Huang Ming said that public security organs at all levels should further intensify tactical exercises and training in real conditions of firearm-related crimes and serious acts of violence, individual radical and violent crimes and other offenses.
According to him, due to the tireless efforts year after year, reduced the number of crimes involving firearms and explosions. However, in the work of control of firearms and explosives, there are new situations and new problems, so the increased complexity of tasks will be completed.

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