Revenue of China’s civil aviation in 2017 reached $117 billion

Beijing. May 30. Silkroadnews - According to official data, operating revenue in China’s civil aviation sector reached 746 billion yuan (about $117 billion) in 2017, reports.
This figure represents a 15.3% increase year on year, according to the 2017 statistical bulletin of civil aviation issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China.
The total profit of the industry in 2017 increased by 7.2 billion yuan, exceeding 65 billion yuan, or 12.3% up from the previous year.
By the end of last year in China there were 58 airlines that offered services on 4418 air routes.
The country has 229 certified airports, and the civil aviation fleet has 3,296 boards.
According to the forecast of the International Air Transport Association, by 2022 China will surpass the United States, becoming the world’s largest civil aviation market.