Russia has pressed Arab oil in the Asian market

Date: 06:45, 19-02-2015.

Almaty. February 18. Silkroadnews - «At the end of 2014 the supply of oil from Saudi Arabia to China, Japan and South Korea decreased by 4 million tons (146 million tons to 142 million tons), as a result the proportion of Saudi oil in these markets has declined from 26% to 24 %",- informs RBC.
As noted, at the same time, the share of the oil in asian market, was reducecd by the Asia-Pacific Region (APR) and other Arab countries. Thus, Qatar has reduced its oil supply by 7.4%, while Kuwait was only able to keep the volume of supplies at the same level, later its share in the markets of China, Japan and Korea decreased from 7.2% to 7%.
"Asian buyers want to diversify supply, and Russia has oil, so it is beneficial option for both sides. Alternative for Russia is to increase supplies to the West, but Europe is not a region with growing demand. This region is Asia", - said the managing director of IHS Consulting in Singapore Victor Shum.
"Russia, no doubt, is involved in the fight for market share. The country wants to export as much as possible", - said energy consultant of Beijing FGE Wu Kan.
In early February 2014 the head of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin said that in 2015 the volume of oil supplies to the east will increase to 32 million tons (or 30% compared to 2014), including increase of shipments to China - 29 million tons (+ 27%).
Edition of The Wall Street Journal reported that a reversal of Russia to the East, after the introduction of Western sanctions against it, and increase of supply of Russian oil to China led to a decline in sales of other market participants. Experts, interviewed by the publication, noted that the ground oil imports from Russia reduce China's dependence on marine supplies from the Middle East, which, as feared in Beijing, could be interrupted.

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