Russia has spread on Kyrgyzstan freight transport rules from Ukraine to Kazakhstan

Date: 09:12, 04-07-2016.

Almaty. July 4. Silkroadnews –  Russian President Vladimir Putin has introduced amendments into the decree on ensuring economic security and national interests of Russia in the course of transit shipments from Ukraine to Kazakhstan, extending the existing requirements to Kyrgyzstan as well. The document was published on the official legal information portal of the Russian Federation, KyrTAG reports.

V. Putin also extended the decree until 31 December 2017.

The document introduces a temporary ban on road and rail shipments of goods, which are liable in Russia to import customs duty rates set by the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) Unified Customs Tariff, different from zero, and the goods, which are put on the list of agricultural products, raw materials and food products endorsed by the Russian government.

Besides, in case the Kazakhstani or Kyrgyz government asks the Russian government, it is entitled to permit road and rail shipments of individual aforementioned goods through the territory of Russia, given the procedure of these shipments is observed.

According to the current procedure, the goods from Ukraine to the Kazakhstani recipients are shipped only through the established check points on a particular route, as well as under customs escort and with the establishment of seals on the basis of the GLONASS system.

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