School children in border areas of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are celebrating Days of Peace
Bishkek. September 22. Silkroadnews - In the border areas of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan started Days of Peace transmits KyrTAG with reference to the project coordinator Anar Eginaliev.
"This is a series of one-day events aimed at cultural rapprochement of youth of the two countries and the reduction of tension in the region", - said A.Eginalieva.
Basically in Batken and Sughd, on both sides of the border, for one week in 22 local schools will be quizzes, contests, talk shows on knowledge of history and culture of neighboring countries, meetings with famous people who can tell stories, calling for peace and understanding.
A.Eginalieva added that students, parents, school administrators and local residents, who learned about the project, actively go to the contact with the organizers and offer their help.
"This project is being implemented by 14 community organizations in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, which are part of a network of NGOs Fergana Valley "Valley of Peace". School activities are confined to the International Day of Peace, which is annually celebrated on September 21st in all countries under the auspices of the UN",- said the coordinator of the project.