Shanghai launched shared book services

Beijing. January 16. Silkroadnews - Shanghai launched shared book services, “People’s Daily” reported.
“Public book shelves, another product of shared economy, recently appeared in Shanghai, providing convenience to book readers,” the report said.
It is explained that having paid just 99 yuan as a deposit, you can scan the QR code and borrow a book you like. You will have only 30 seconds to take the book from the shelf or return it back. This book sharing service is available on WeChat application, but users will be able to take or share only one book at a time.
The book booths, that total seven at present, are located in cultural and business centers in Shanghai. Each booth has five shelves, with about 30 books each.
Most of the books on the shelves are classics or bestsellers, such as the science fiction novel The Three-Body Problem, a series of books about Harry Potter, and In the Name of the People, a book adapted to a popular TV series on fighting corruption in China.