Social credit system to report on people with low degree of reliability as bankrupt, expert believes

Beijing. May 22. Silkroadnews - Social credit system in China should report on people with low reliability as bankrupt, the former deputy director of the development research center of the State Council Hou Yunchun believes, Global Times reports.
Hou Yunchun said that without due punishment, defaulters would only feel encouraged. The statement came following a report about more than 11.14 million air tickets and 4.25 million tickets for high-speed trains blocked by China’s social credit system by the end of April.
An improved social credit system is needed so that discredited people become bankrupt, the agency quoted Hou Yunchun saying. “If we don’t increase the cost of being discredited, we are encouraging discredited people to keep at it,” Hou noted.
The names of 33,000 companies that violated various laws and regulations were also published.
In turn, Zhi Zhenfeng, legal expert of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, said the phrase “discredited people become bankrupt” is too vague as a formulation.
How the person is restricted in terms of public services or business opportunities should be in accordance with how and to what extent he or she lost his credibility. The punishment should match the deed, Zhi said, and noted, it is a national law that should gauge the appropriate punishment.
To note: the social credit system is a system for assessing a “social credit” rating of individual citizens or organizations by various parameters using a mass surveillance tool and big data analysis technology. Citizens and organizations are evaluated on such parameters as honesty in government affairs, commercial integrity, societal integrity, judicial credibility. Low scores people could be subject to some penalties, e.g. ban them and their children from certain schools, prevent low scorers from renting hotels, using credit cards, and black list individuals from being able to procure employment, etc.