Socialism with Chinese characteristics came at the decisive stage in building a moderately prosperous society - Xi Jinping

Date: 08:17, 18-10-2017.

Almaty. October 18. Silkroadnews - Socialism with Chinese characteristics came at the decisive stage in building a moderately prosperous society in China, the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China, Secretary General of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping said on Wednesday speaking at the opening of the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Tajik Telegraph Agency (TajikTA) reports on Wednesday.
According to Xinhua agency, in his speech China’s leader stressed the leading role of the party, which must unite all Chinese people in their efforts to achieve the national rejuvenation, build a moderately prosperous society and achieve a great victory in entering a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
About 2.3 thousand delegates will take part in the forum. The report by president Xi Jinping to be followed by the report on the work of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
The Congress of the Communist Party will be held throughout October 24. The agenda includes consideration of the results of the party’s work over the past five years, discussion of the socio-economic and political situation in China and other countries, blueprint of the nation’s strategic line development for the coming years.

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