Son of Fidel Castro, aged 68, committed suicide against background of deep depression

Beijing. February 2. Silkroadnews - The eldest son of the Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro, committed suicide on Thursday, the Kyrgyz Telegraph Agency (KyrTAG) reported.
Doctor of Science Fidel Angel Castro Dias-Balart, who had been under treatment for a deep depression for several months, committed suicide on February 1, the report says.
The son of Fidel Castro, also known as “Fidelito”, died aged 68.
Castro Diaz-Balart graduated from the Moscow State University with a major in nuclear physics. Over the recent years he had been working as a scientific counselor to the Cuban Council of State and Vice-president of the Cuban Academy of Sciences.
Leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro died on November 25, 2016 aged 90.