South of Kyrgyzstan revealed more than 2.5 thousand stateless people
Almaty. August 21. Silkroadnews - South Kyrgyzstan revealed more than 2.5 thousand stateless people, reported KyrTAG citing the press service of the State Registration Service (GDS) of the Kyrgyz Republic.
"More than 2.5 thousand stateless found in the south of Kyrgyzstan. Jalal-Abad territorial department of passport and visa and registration in Osh and Osh region revealed 1,402 stateless people, in Jalal-Abad - 1180 people. Among them, USSR passport holders since 1974, children who do not have birth registration and others", - informs the agency.
23 mobile groups are deployed to the south for the assistance for obtaining new passports.
"The Special Commission has defined the territorial affiliation of more than 70% stateless persons, some of them have already received their passports. And 20% of them are still at the stage of registration documents for admission to citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic", - said the head of the Jalal-Abad Mukhabat Pratova.
Project aims to identify and reduce statelessness, to collect biometric data of the population in southern Kyrgyzstan. It is implemented with the cooperation of the Department of population registration and civil status and management of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, in partnership with the NGO "Ferghana Valley Lawyers Without Borders".