Switzerland has allocated 2.4 million francs for the upcoming elections in Kyrgyzstan

Date: 17:50, 30-07-2015.

Almaty. July 30. Silkroadnews - Swiss Government in the framework of the project "Strengthening of democratic procedures in the electoral processes in the Kyrgyz Republic", allocated an additional $600 thousand francs to host the autumn parliamentary elections, reports KyrTAG.
According to the press service of the Swiss Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic, the funds will be allocated for the training of more than 9 thousand operators of automated ballot boxes and biometric voter identification equipment. This will ensure the accuracy and transparency of the election results. Teaching will take the structure of the UN Development Program in Kyrgyzstan.
Earlier, the Swiss government has already allocated 1.8 million francs for the preparations for the elections.

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