Tajikistan may increase the supply of fruit and vegetables to Russia by 5 times
Almaty. August 12. Silkroadnews - «Tajik authorities intend to increase the volume of exports to Russia of vegetables and fruits by 5 times. Package of specific measures will be considered by the government of the country in the near future", - said Head of Public Relations with the CIS countries, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan Zayniddin Muminov.
According to the Statistics Agency, in January-June 2014 the volume of trade between Russia and Tajikistan amounted to $756.6 million (+ 73.4% compared to January-June 2013). The cost of the goods supplied to Russia was $50.2 million (+ 15.2%), the value of Russian exports to Tajikistan - $706.4 million (+80%). Russia's share in foreign trade of Tajikistan for the first half of 2014 amounted to 26.2% (in January-June of 2013 - 17.3%).
The total cost of fruit and vegetables, delivered in January-June 2014 to Russia amounts to $418.3 thousand. (Reduced to the corresponding period of 2013 - 3.8 times), the total weight of deliveries - 1.1 thousand tons (reduction - in 7.8 times). More than $300 thousand was the cost of fruit and nuts, about $100 thousand - value of vegetables and root crops.
"Analyzing the dynamics of Tajik exports to Russia drew the attention of a further decline in the supply of traditional export commodities - fruits, vegetables and cotton. If in 2011 they accounted for 67.7% of total exports in January-June 2014 they accounted for only 0.8%", - says the report of the Russian trade mission in Dushanbe.
As previously reported TajikTA, just for the first half country produced about 350 thousand tons of vegetables, 130 thousand tons of melons, about 55 thousand tons of fruits and other agricultural products, which traditionally is exported to Russia and other post-Soviet countries.